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Pops Compatibility List @ PSX EBOOTS3. Minor frame dropping during scenes with many characters, nothing to affect playability. M3. 3- 5: Plays perfectly except for minor graphic problems in 2 FMV’s (When queen Brahne summons Bahamut (Disc 2?), and Zidane in the lifa tree (Disc 4)). Eboots created with Alcohol 1. GUI V 3 beta by Zi. Ng. A Bu. Rg. A 3.
Opening FMV played for me, however there was no sound. I copied the game with Alcohol 5. PSX2. PSP v. 1. 3. Slim: The second FMV that plays after Pinnacle Rock (With Zidane and Dagger running through the field towards Lindblum) is like the opening FMV, as it has no sound. Additionally the FMV at the start of the festival can bug out and make a loud buzzing sound.
Other than that works perfect. It’ll ask you to put in the first disc. After switching disks it’ll start the FMV with all of the sound. This probably won’t help any for the later FMV, though.
With a single disc Eboot, the opening movie has no sound but the game plays fine so far. With a multi- disc Eboot when you start a new game, the screen goes black and locks up.
With a single disc Eboot, the opening movie has no sound but the game plays fine so far. M3. 3- 4 Well, i ripped from my NTSC- U black discs in perfect condition with latest imageburn, and the game played fine as a single- disc eboot. Just like the orginal, the intro played fine. And all other FMVs too. Worked perfect. Converted with PSX2. PSP v. 1. 4. 2. I’m in Gizamaluke’s Grotto with no problems with the gameplay.
There is barely noticeable lag in music during the entering a battle sequence and putting your PSP into suspend mode while the game is running and turning it back on freezes your PSP. Eboot made with POPstation GUI 3. Edit Friends List On Facebook Iphone 7 on this page. Beta By Ragna. Blade. M3. 3- 4: Using single disc eboots in the default Popsloader (from flash so 5.
The opening sequence had no sound but everything else was fine. There are some minor sound and lag issues during opening/closing menus but its barely noticeable.
Also, the scene when Alexandria is attacked by Bahamut, the sound got stuck but the video played fine. I found battle lags more in forest areas for some reason especially magic casting.
Other than that, I’ve had no other problems and I’m on Disc 4 but I’ll update if it changes. I was in a battle with the crystallized of the elemental bosses and cast Quake and it froze. I switched the Popsloader to 4. FMVs and all). 5. M3. 3- 6 Using popstation to load 3. Normal, Normal, +2, Fast, everything seems to be all right on all discs, movies play with sound.
If you have problems in game, swap out Fast for Normal. M3. 3- 6 Played through all 4 discs on multidisk eboot made with First Multi- Disc Popstation GUI by akadewboy. Works 1. 00% (including through all side quests), without a single crash. Used Fast for disc load speed. After you change discs to disc 1 the opening FMV will have sound. Using PSX2. PSP make sure your compression level is set to 4 and hit convert.
When starting the game use popsloader 3. FAST. Just finished the game with no mentioned lack of sound or other glitches noted above.