Manage your two- step verification settings. This article answers questions about how to update settings for two- step verification or multi- factor authentication.
If you are having issues signing in to your account, refer to Having trouble with two- step verification for troubleshooting help. Where to find the settings page. Depending on how your company set up Azure Multi- Factor Authentication, there are a few places where you can change your settings like your phone number. If your IT admin sent out a specific URL or steps to manage two- step verification, follow those instructions.
Otherwise, the following instructions should work for everybody else. If you follow these steps but don't see the same options, that means that your work or school customized their own portal. Ask your admin for the link to your Azure Multi- Factor Authentication portal. Sign in to https: //myapps. Select your account name in the top right, then select profile. If you check this box and then lose your device or think that your account is compromised, you should restore two- step verification to all your devices. On the Additional security verification page, select Restore multi- factor authentication on previously trusted devices.
The next time you sign in on any device, you'll be prompted to perform two- step verification. How do I clean up Microsoft Authenticator from my old device and move to a new one? When you uninstall the app from your device or reset the device, it does not remove the activation on the back end. For more information, see Microsoft Authenticator.
This article answers questions about how to update settings for two-step verification or multi-factor authentication. If you are having issues signing in to your. Last day we talked about Two-Factor authentication system and today we will learn how to turn it ON/OFF in your Microsoft network accounts.
Plan for user authentication methods in Share. Point 2. 01. 3Zones represent different logical paths to gain access to the same sites in a web application. Each web application can include as many as five zones.
When you create a web application, Central Administration creates the zone named default. To create additional zones, extend the web application and select one of the remaining zone names: intranet, extranet, Internet, or custom. Your plan for zones will depend on the following: Claims- based authentication (recommended) — You can implement multiple authentication providers on a single zone. You can also use multiple zones.
Classic mode (discouraged) — You can implement only one type of authentication per zone. However, classic mode only supports Windows authentication methods. Consequently, you can use multiple zones only to implement multiple Windows authentication methods, or to implement the same Windows authentication method against different AD DS stores. Implementing more than one type of authentication on a single zone. If you use claims- based authentication and implement more than one authentication method, we recommend that you implement multiple authentication methods on the default zone. The result is the same URL for all users.
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When you implement multiple authentication methods on the same zone, the following restrictions apply: You can implement only one instance of forms- based authentication on a zone. Central Administration allows you to use both an Integrated Windows method and Basic at the same time. Otherwise, you cannot implement more than one type of Windows authentication on a zone. If multiple SAML token- based authentication providers are configured for a farm, all appear as options when you create a web application or a new zone. You can configure multiple SAML providers on the same zone. The following diagram shows multiple types of authentication implemented on the default zone for a partner collaboration site. How To Edit A Bat File In Dose there. Multiple types of authentication implemented on the default zone.
In the diagram, users from different directory stores use the same URL to access the partner web site. The dashed box that surrounds partner companies shows the relationship between the user directory and the authentication type that is configured in the default zone. For more information about this design example, see Share. Point 2. 01. 3 design samples: Corporate portal and extranet sites. Planning to crawl content.
The crawl component requires NTLM to access content. At least one zone must be configured to use NTLM authentication. If NTLM authentication is not configured on the default zone, the crawl component can use a different zone that is configured to use NTLM authentication. Implement more than one zone. If you plan to implement more than one zone for web applications, use the following guidelines: Use the default zone to implement your most secure authentication settings.
If a request cannot be associated with a specific zone, the authentication settings and other security policies of the default zone are applied. The default zone is the zone that is created when you create a web application. Typically, the most secure authentication settings are designed for end- user access. Consequently, end- users are likely to access the default zone. Use the minimum number of zones that are required to provide access to users.
Each zone is associated with a new IIS site and domain for accessing the web application. Only add new access points when they are required.
Ensure that at least one zone is configured to use NTLM authentication for the crawl component. Do not create a dedicated zone for the index component unless it is necessary. The following diagram shows multiple zones that are implemented to accommodate different authentication types for a partner collaboration site.
One zone per authentication type. In the diagram, the default zone is used for remote employees. Each zone has a different URL associated with it.
Employees use a different zone depending on whether they are working in the office or are working remotely.