Managing Internet Information Services with the IIS Power. Shell Snap- In. Windows Power. Shell has become a must- have tool for IT administrators. One of the latest and greatest Power. Shell features is its ability to interact with and manage Microsoft IIS 7.
The IIS Power. Shell Snap- In lets you create, configure, and manage IIS 7 websites, web applications, application pools, virtual directories, and . NET application domains using Power. Shell commands or scripts. The snap- in works with Power. Shell 2. 0 and earlier. I'll show you how to install the IIS Management Console and get the Power. Shell Snap- In running on Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2.
R2, and Windows Server 2. Then, I'll show you how to use the snap- in to perform common IIS tasks. To install the console on Windows 7 or Vista, follow these steps: Select Control Panel on the Start menu. Click Add Required Role Services to close the dialog box and return to the Select Server Roles page. Click Next to proceed to the Select Role Services page.
You'll see an Installation Progress dialog box. After the installation has completed, click the Close button to return to Server Manager. If you're running Server 2. R2, click Close right away, since the installation step is unnecessary. Server 2. 00. 8 R2 and Windows 7 come with IIS 7. Server 2. 00. 8 and Windows Vista come with IIS 7.
This distinction is important because IIS 7. IIS Power. Shell Snap- In, but IIS 7.
Demos, Syntax, and Example Code of Oracle Database V$ and GV$ Dynamic Performance Views. This guide will walk you through the installation and the day to day administration of the PacketFence solution. This guide will give you the steps to set up basic user profile redirection for User folders (Documents, Favorites, Desktop etc.) 1. Create Folder for Redirected Profiles. Share, organize, and discover information with Microsoft SharePoint. Learn about SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, Yammer, and Apps for SharePoint. Azure AD/Office 365 Single Sign-On with Shibboleth 2.
Therefore, to show you how to get the snap- in up and running, I've broken the discussion into two sections. Which one you should look at depends on your OS: If you're using Server 2. Vista, read the . You can skip the . You can skip the . You can download the snap- in from the Windows Power.
Download the free trial version below to get started. Double-click the downloaded file to install the software.
Shell Snap- In web page. Installing the snap- in is as easy as running a Windows Installer (. The wizard takes care of the rest, including creating a shortcut for it on the Start menu. You can automatically register the snap- in by selecting All Programs on the Start menu, choosing IIS 7. Extensions, and clicking the IIS Power. Shell Management Console shortcut. You need Administrator privileges to manage IIS 7 configurations, so if you're logged on to Windows with an account that doesn't have Administrator privileges, you'll need to start the IIS Power.
Shell Management Console using the Run as administrator option, as Figure 1 shows. After that, you can simply open it by clicking the IIS Power. Shell Management Console shortcut on the Start menu, using the Run as administrator option if necessary. However, you need to import the IIS Web.
Administration module. For example, if you have Power.
Shell 1. 0, you'd select All Programs from the Start menu, choose Windows Power. Shell 1. 0, and click Windows Power. Shell. Next, you need to run two commands in the Power. Shell console. First, run the following command to import the IIS Web. Administration module: Import- Module Web. Administration Then, run this command to navigate to the IIS namespace: Set- Location IIS: \ You need to run these two commands every time you want to use the IIS Power.
Shell Snap- In because the Import- Module cmdlet imports modules only to the current session in Power. Shell 2. 0 and earlier. If you want to avoid this hassle, you can create your own shortcut for the IIS Power. Shell Snap- In. Simply create a shortcut on the desktop (or another location) and set its target to C: \Windows\System.
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Windows. Power. Shell\v. They provide control over pretty much every facet of IIS, including websites, web applications, application pools, virtual directories, and . NET application domains.
The snap- in cmdlets can be grouped into three categories: Cmdlets required by the provider's namespace hierarchy Low- level configuration cmdlets Task- based cmdlets. Cmdlets required by the provider's namespace hierarchy. A hierarchical namespace is a lot like a file system in that it's comprised of directories that contain files and other directories, except that in this case, data stores are being exposed in a hierarchical fashion. Underneath the base IIS: \ namespace, configuration properties are organized into the following predefined child containers, which can't be deleted or moved: Sites Site Collection Applications and Virtual Directories App.
Pools Worker. Processes Ssl. Bindings The Set- Location and Get- Child. Item cmdlets can be used to navigate between these containers. Specialized cmdlets such as New- Item, Set- Item. Property, and Get- Web. File. Path are used to work with each namespace's configuration properties.
For example, issuing the Get- Child. Item command from the IIS: \ namespace will list all the child containers that have been created, as Figure 2 shows. Low- level configuration cmdlets. Every one of IIS's hundreds of configuration settings can be set using configuration cmdlets. Moreover, these cmdlets work against your own custom configuration sections. A few examples of configuration cmdlets include Add- Web. Configuration, Add- Web.
Configuration. Property, Get- Web. Configuration, Set.
Web. Configuration, and Restart- Web. Item. Task- based cmdlets.
These cmdlets are for daily IIS tasks such as creating websites, enabling request tracing, and adding a handler or a module. Examples of task- based cmdlets include Add- Content, Add- History, and Add- Member. You can retrieve the full list of cmdlets using the command: Get- Command - module Web.
Administration If you want to get help on how to use an IIS- specific cmdlet, you can use the Get- Help cmdlet with the name of the cmdlet: Get- Help < cmdlet name> For example, Figure 3 shows the results of using Get- Help to see the usage information for the Get- Web. Configuration cmdlet. As the Help information notes, you can add the - detailed flag to get even more information on input parameters and some examples. If you add the - full flag, you'll get everything on the subject. I'll show you how to use the cmdlets to work with websites, fetch content from the IIS server, back up and restore web content and configurations, and set configuration redirection properties.
To view all the websites on the server, you need to use the Get- Child. Item cmdlet. First, navigate to the Sites folder, using the command: Set- Location Sites From there, you can use the Get- Child. Item cmdlet to get a complete list of the installed websites, as Figure 4 shows. In this case, there's only the Default Web Site. Besides specifying the website's namespace, you include the - physical. Path and - bindings parameters. For example, here's how you would create a new website named My.
Site: New- Item iis: \Sites\My. Site - bindings ` @.
It sets the attributes within the IIS site's bindings section: < bindings> < binding protocol=. You just need to use the Remove- Item cmdlet with the website's namespace as a parameter. Here's how you'd delete the site just created: Remove- Item iis: \sites\My. Site However, don't do that just yet. Instead, let's add a web application, application pool, and two virtual directories. To create a web application, you use the New- Item cmdlet again, but this time you use the - type parameter instead of the - bindings parameter. You set the - type parameter to Application, as shown here: New- Item 'IIS: \Sites\My.
Site\Demo. App' ` - physical. Path C: \inetpub\wwwroot\Demo. App ` - type Application To create an application pool, you just need to use the New- Item cmdlet with the application pool's namespace: New- Item IIS: \App. Pools\Demo. App. Pool To create a virtual directory, you use the New- Item cmdlet with the - type flag set to Virtual. Directory. For example, to create a virtual directory in the Default Web Site, you'd use: New- Item 'IIS: \Sites\Demo.
Virtual. Dir. 1' ` - type Virtual. Directory ` - physical. Path C: \inetpub\wwwroot\virtual. Directory. 1 Similarly, to create a virtual directory for your web application, you'd run: New- Item 'IIS: \Sites\My. Site\Demo. Virtual.
Dir. 2' ` - type Virtual. Directory –physical.
Path ` C: \inetpub\wwwroot\Demo. App\virtual. Directory. After your new website is in place, you can create the physical directories and copy files over as required. As Listing 1 shows, you use the New- Item cmdlet with the - type parameter set to Directory to create the physical directories. To copy the files over, you can use the Set- Content cmdlet (if you want to replace the existing content) or the Add- Content cmdlet (if you want to append the content).
New- Item C: \inetpub\wwwroot\mysite –type Directory. New- Item C: \inetpub\wwwroot\Demo. App –type Directory. New- Item C: \inetpub\wwwroot\virtual. Directory. 1 `- type Directory. Set- Content C: \inetpub\wwwroot\Demo.
App\default. htm `. For example, you can request content to make sure that your website and web applications work. Figure 5 shows the results of a command requesting the content of the default page for the web application (Demo App) created previously. Another way is to view them in a browser. For example, to view the default page for Demo App, you'd run: $ie = New- Object - com . To back up your content and configurations, you can use the App.
Cmd utility or the Backup- Web. Configuration cmdlet. App. Cmd. To use the App. Cmd utility for backups, you need to follow the command syntax: appcmd.
If the folder name contains spaces, it must be in quotes.
Administration Guide. This section covers advanced topics in Packet. Fence. Note that it is also possible to configure Packet. Fence manually using its configuration files instead of its Web administrative interface. It is still recommended to use the Web interface. In any case, the /usr/local/pf/conf/pf. Packet. Fence general configuration.
For example, this is the place where we inform Packet. Fence it will work in VLAN isolation mode.
All the default parameters and their descriptions are stored in /usr/local/pf/conf/pf. In order to override a default parameter, define it and set it in pf.
All these parameters are also accessible through the web- based administration interface under the Configuration tab. It is highly recommended that you use the web- based administration interface of Packet. Fence for any configuration changes. Apple, Android and Windows Wireless Provisioning. Apple devices such as i.
Phones, i. Pads, i. Pods and Mac OS X (1. XML file format (mobileconfig). Android is also able to support this feature by importing the wireless profile with the Android Packet.
Fence Agent. In fact, installing such file on your Apple device will automatically configure the wireless settings for a given SSID. This feature is often used when the SSID is hidden, and you want to ease the configuration steps on the mobile device (because it is often painful to configure manually). In Packet. Fence, we are going further, we generate the profile according to the administrator’s preference and we pre- populate the file with the user’s credentials (without the password).
The user simply needs to install its generated file and he will be able to use the new SSID. The Windows agent will import and apply the provisioned profile so that the user only needs to enter his username and password. Configure the feature.
Note. If EAP- TLS provisioning is desired, you have to configure a PKI before going any further. Two guides exists to assist you: Packet. Fence PKI Quick Install Guide, which covers Packet. Fence’s implementation, or Packet. Fence MSPKI Quick Install Guide which covers Microsoft’s. Then select android / ios / Windows provisioner.
Enter the SSID information and roles for which the provisioner applies. Repeat for all desired provisioners. Note that the default RADIUS certificate path is /usr/local/pf/raddb/certs/server. After, you simply need to add the Android, i. OS and Windows provisioners to your Connection Profile configuration. Android specificities.
For Android provisioning support, you must activate and adjust the passthroughs. You might need to adapt them depending on your geolocality. Activate Passthrough and make sure the following passthrough are present: *. Then run the following commands so that passthroughs become effective: /usr/local/pf/bin/pfcmd configreload hard. OS specificities.
Mac OS X/i. OS require the provisioning profile to be signed if you want to remove the untrusted warning when installing the profile. For more information, please refer to the PKI guides referred earlier in Configure the feature above.
Profile generation. Upon registration, instead of showing the default release page, the user will be showing another version of the page saying that the wireless profile has been generated with a clickable link on it. To install the profile, Apple user owner simply need to click on that link, and follow the instructions on their device. Android user owner simply click to the link and will be forwarded to Google Play to install Packet. Fence agent. Simply launch the application and click to configure will create the secure SSID profile. It is that simple.
Billing Engine. Packet. Fence integrates the ability to use a payment gateway to bill users to gain access to the network. When configured, the user who wants to access the network / Internet is prompted by a page asking for it’s personal information as well as it’s credit card information. Packet. Fence currently supports four payment gateways: Authorize. Mirapay, Paypal and Stripe. In order to activate the billing, you will need to configure the following components : Billing source(s)Billing tier(s)1.
Configuring a billing source. First select a billing provider and follow the instructions below. Paypal. Note. This provider requires that your Packet. Fence server is accessible on the public domain. For this your Packet.
Fence portal should be available on a public IP using the DNS server name configured in Packet. Fence. The test key should be used when testing the configuration and the live key when putting the source in production. Configuring Packet. Fence. Now, in the Packet. Fence administration interface, go in Configuration. See section Subscription based registration below for details on how to configure it. Currency is the currency that will be used in the transactions.
Test mode should be activated if you are using the test key and secret account. Authorize. net. Creating an account.
First go on https: //account. After you created your account you will be shown your API login ID and Transaction key. Note both of these information for usage in the Packet.
Fence configuration. Then login into your new account. Then under Account click Settings. On the settings page in the section Security settings, click MD5- Hash. Now enter a secret that will be shared between authorize. Packet. Fence. Packet.
Fence configuration. Next in the Packet. Fence administration interface, go in Configuration. Adding billing tiers.
Once you have configured one or more billing source, you need to define billing tiers which will define the price and target authentication rules for the user. In the Packet. Fence administration interface, go in Configuration. This requires a valid RADIUS accounting configuration. Note. If don’t want to use all the billing tiers that are defined, you can specify the ones that should be active in the Connection profile. Subscription based registration.
Packet. Fence supports subscription based billing using Stripe as a billing provider. Billing tier. When using subscription based billing, it is advised to configure the billing tier so it has an almost infinite access duration (e. Packet. Fence server when the subscription is canceled.
You should configure a billing tier for each subscription plan you want to have. This example will use the plan simple and advanced configured using the following parameters. It is important that this matches the ID of the billing tier in Packet. Fence. Amount is the price of the plan. It is important that this matches the price of the billing tier in Packet. Fence. Currency is the currency that will be used in the transactions.
It is important that this matches the currency of the Stripe source in Packet. Fence. Interval is the interval at which the customer should be billed. In the case of this example, it is monthly. Now, following the same procedure, create the advanced plan. Receiving updates from Stripe.
As the subscription can be cancelled by a user, you need to setup your Packet. Fence installation to receive updates from Stripe. Updates are sent using HTTP requests on a public IP. You need to make sure that your Packet. Fence server is available through a public IP on port 8. Packet. Fence server hostname resolves on the public domain.
Then, in Stripe, configure a Webhook so Stripe informs Packet. Fence of any event that happens in this Stripe merchant account. In order to do so go in Your Account .
Extending access before it ends. Packet. Fence allows users to extend their access before it has ended. In order to do so, you need to enable Allow access to registration portal when registered accessible via the Captive Portal tab of the Connection Profiles. Once this is activated, the users can reach https: //YOUR. Devices Registration. Users have the possibility to register their devices (Microsoft XBOX/XBOX3.
Nintendo DS/Wii, Sony Play. Station and so on) right from a special portal page. When accessing this page, users will be prompted to login as if they were registering themselves.
Once logged in, the portal will ask them to enter the device MAC address that will then be matched against a predefined list of authorized MAC OUI. The device will be registered with the user’s id and can be assigned into a specific category for easier management.
Here’s how to configure the whole thing. Moreover, make sure the role mapping for your particular equipment is done. These parameters can also be configured from the Configuration . A portal interface type can be added to any network interface using the web admin GUI. Eduroameduroam (education roaming) is the secure, world- wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. Internet connectivity across campus and when visiting other participating institutions by simply opening their laptop.
Add the eduroam servers as clients and make sure to add the proper RADIUS secret. Set a shortname to refer to these clients as you will later need it to exclude them from some parts of the Packet. Fence configuration. You will need to define each of your domains as well as the DEFAULT domain. The DEFAULT realm will apply to any client that attempts to authenticate with a realm that is not otherwise defined in proxy.
Define one or more home servers (servers to which eduroam requests should be proxied). If the REALM authenticates locally.
Free. RADIUS. If the REALM sets a different. This realm is for requests which don't have an explicit realm.
Meaning in this context. The attribute name ( Called- Station- Id ) may.
Called- Station- Id !~ /eduroam$/i) . Fingerbank integration. Fingerbank, a great device profiling tool developed alongside of Packet. Fence, now integrates with it to power- up the feature set allowing a Packet. Fence administrator to easily trigger violations based on different device types, device parents, DHCP fingerprints, DHCP vendor IDs, MAC vendors and browser user agents. The core of that integration resides in the ability for a Packet.