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Adobe Photoshop Cs5 With Advance 3D Technology Group

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Photoshop Blend Modes Explained - Photo Blog Stop. Working with blend modes is almost always an experimental process. Because it’s nearly impossible to predict the results, you always seem to end up experimenting with different modes and Fill Opacities until you get the results you’re looking for. In this article I’m going to give you a high- level view of what the various blend modes do, and then I’ll dig deeper into the nuts and bolts of the blend modes by explaining some of the math involved, and their interrelationships with each other.

I’m not going to “show” you how the blend modes work—I’m going to “explain” how they work. By the time you finish reading this article, you should have a better idea of how to use blend modes and where to begin your “experimentation,” which in turn should reduce the time it takes to achieve the results you’re looking for. How Blend Modes Work. The Opacity slider in the Layers Panel allows you to blend the active layer with the layers below by making the active layer translucent, which in turn allow the layers below to show through. The blend modes found in Photoshop allow the same process to take place, but by using different mathematical calculations for each blend mode. As of Photoshop CS5, there are 2. Flying Hack For Maplestory Download Client here. Jetbrains Resharper 4 X Keygen Download.

Subtract and Divide, were recently added. Any changes made using blend modes are parametric, i. Blend Mode Groups. While the blend mode names don’t make all that much sense, Adobe did group the blend modes into logical groups. Blend Modes Groups. Keyboard Shortcuts.

The majority of blend modes have keyboard shortcuts. To use these shortcuts, your current tool must be something other than one of the tools found in the painting and editing section of the Tools Panel (where the Brush Tool, Healing Brush, Stamp, Eraser, etc. This is because the tools in the painting and editing section have blend mode settings of their own, and if you have one of these tools selected, their blend mode options will take precedence over the blend mode options found in the Layers Panel. For example, if you use Shift+Option+M to switch to the Multiply blend mode while you have the Paint tool selected, the Paint tool’s blend mode will be changed to Multiply, not the blend mode option in the Layers Panel.

Adobe Photoshop Cs5 With Advance 3D Technology GroupAdobe Photoshop Cs5 With Advance 3D Technology Group

The good news is that these same blend mode shortcuts DO work for the painting tools, you just need to pay attention to what tool you have selected when you use the shortcuts. The Painting and Editing section of the Tools Panel. It’s also possible to scroll up or down the blend mode list by using the keyboard combinations Shift+ (scrolls down the blend mode list), or Shift- (scrolls up the blend mode list). These keyboard shortcuts also work differently depending on what tool you have selected in the Tools Panel. For example, if you have the Paint tool selected and you use Shift+, the blend mode for the Paint tool will scroll down to the next blend mode in the list (not the blend mode in the Layers Panel). There are also keyboard shortcuts for changing the Standard Opacity and Fill Opacity settings in the Layers Panel.

To use these shortcuts, your current tool must be something other than one of the tools found in the painting and editing section of the Tools Panel. To change the Standard Opacity using the keyboard, just hit a number.

For example, you can change the opacity to 5. If you press the 0 key two times quickly, you’ll change the opacity to 0%.

You can even press two different numbers in sequence. For example you can set the opacity to 3. Adjusting the Fill Opacity works using the same technique, but you need to use the Shift key when hitting a number. For example, to set the Fill Opacity to 3.

Shift+3. 3. These keyboard shortcuts also work when one of the tools in the painting and editing section of the Tools Panel is selected, however once again, the blend mode settings for these tools take precedence over the blend mode settings in the Layers Panel. For example, if you have the Paint tool selected and you use the keyboard combination 2. Paint tool will be changed to 2. One thing to note is that there isn’t a Fill Opacity setting for the any of the tools in the painting and editing section, however, some of the tools do have a Flow setting (the Brush Tool for example). For those tools that have a Flow setting, using Shift+number will change the Flow for the selected tool.

For example, if you use Shift+2. Paint tool selected, the Flow for the Paint tool will be set to 2.

Blend Modes Keyboard Shortcuts. Commonly Used Blend Modes. Some of the more commonly used blend modes are Multiply, Screen, Overlay and Soft Light. Commonly Used Blend Modes.

Blend Mode Opposites. Each of the blend modes in the Darken group have an opposite (complementary) mode in the Lighten group. These “opposites” use slightly different math to arrive at their results, but the logic they use is similar but reversed. For example, with the Darken blend mode, if the pixels on the active layer are darker than the ones on the layers below, they are kept in the image. The opposite blend mode to Darken is Lighten, and with the Lighten blend mode, if the pixels on the active layer are lighter than the ones on the layers below, they are kept in the image. Blend Mode Opposites. Commuted Blend Modes.

There are 2 pairs of blend modes that are commuted versions of each other. The first commuted pair is the Overlay and Hard Light modes. The second pair is the Luminosity and Color modes. When 2 blend modes are commuted versions of each other, if you apply one blend mode to the active layer, you will get the same results if you add the other (commuted) blend mode to the underlying layer, and then reverse the order of the layers. Commuted Blend Modes. The “Special 8” Blend Modes.

There are 8 blend modes that I’ll be referring to as the “Special 8.” These blend modes behave differently when Fill Opacity is adjusted, compared to when standard Opacity is adjusted. The blend modes that aren’t members of this Special 8 group react the same to both Fill and Opacity changes (assuming there are no Layer Effects), but with these Special 8 blend modes, 4.

Opacity will look different than 4. Fill, or 3. 0% Opacity will look different than 3. Fill, etc. For all of the other blend modes (the modes that aren’t part of the Special 8), 4.

Opacity looks the same as 4. Fill, or 2. 0% Opacity looks the same as 2. Fill, etc. This is an important concept to understand, because it can extend the capabilities of these blend modes.

For example, the Hard Mix blend mode usually doesn’t look all that great, but when you adjust the Fill Opacity for this mode, you can get some great results. The blend modes that are members of this Special 8 group are Color Burn, Linear Burn, Color Dodge, Linear Dodge (Add), Vivid Light, Linear Light, Hard Mix, and Difference.

The “Special 8. Because the blend modes work with brightness and darkness values, i. Photoshop (as seen with the Levels dialog box), you would assume that the math Photoshop performs is based on these values. However, in the background, Photoshop “standardizes” these luminance values before applying the math. When these values are standardized, white (2.

All of the blend mode math takes place in the small range between 0 and 1. It’s important that you understand this concept of standardization, so you can understand the following mathematical equations. Standardized Numbers Illustrated. Because the luminance values are standardized before the math is applied, and the math is working with numbers ranging between 0 and 1, the resulting calculations may not be what you would expect. For example, when working with numbers greater than 1, division results in a smaller number, and multiplication results in a larger number. However, when working with numbers between 0 and 1, division results in a larger number, and multiplication results in a smaller number. Subtraction and addition work pretty much as you would expect, whether you’re working with numbers greater than 1, or values between 0 and 1.

Below are some examples using arbitrary numbers that show how the math results differ when working with numbers between 0 and 1 versus numbers between 0 and 2. To help you better understand the numeric values illustrated below, the regular luminance number 2. If the pixels in the layer are lighter, they are replaced with the tones on the layers below (they show through to the selected layer), so basically the darker tones of all layers are kept. Note that this behavior is on a channel by channel basis, i.

RGB color channels separately. If you want to apply the same Darken blend mode behavior on a composite basis, use the Darker Color blend mode instead (however this typically results in harsher transitions). Multiply. The best mode for darkening. Works by multiplying the luminance levels of the current layer’s pixels with the pixels in the layers below. Great for creating shadows and removing whites and other light colors (while keeping the darker colors).

As an analogy, think of the selected layer and all of the layers below as individual transparencies, and that they are stacked on top of each other, and then placed on an overhead projector. Using this analogy, the light passing through the lighter areas will have trouble getting through the darker areas, but the lighter areas will shine through other lighter areas with relative ease.

If the Multiply blend mode isn’t dark enough for what you’re working on, try the Linear Burn or Color Burn modes. This is one of the “Special 8” that I mentioned earlier, where Fill and Opacity behave differently. This is one of the “Special 8” that I mentioned earlier, where Fill and Opacity behave differently. If the pixels in the layer are darker, they are replaced with the pixels on the layers below (they show through to the selected layer). Note that this behavior is on a channel by channel basis, i. RGB color channels separately.

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