Forgotten Realms chronology. All dates are in Dalereckoning, and year names are given where appropriate. No mention can be found of elves, dwarves, and other races in this time. Still, their absence on ancient cave paintings is hardly sufficient evidence to say that they did not exist in the Realms.? The dwarves overthrow the giants and start their empires.
Toward the end of this time, the elves start doing the same against the dragon overlords of this era.? All the races currently living under the Sea of Fallen Stars take to the waters during this period, which only the whales have much knowledge of.
This Epoch ends with the elven migration into Ser. Ignoring the lesson learned from the destruction of Tintageer centuries earlier, the High Magi cast a spell designed to create a glorious elven homeland. As the Day of Birthing dawned, the spell reached its apex. As a result, hundred of cities are washed away, thousands of elves lie dead, and the face of Abeir- Toril is changed forever. The name Faer. Evermeet, Island of Elves, is created. The Tree of Souls is given to the elves.- 2.
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The First Flowering: The elves reach their peak here, more than 1. The great elven civilizations of Faer. With the elves' success against the orcs and dragons and giants, the other races thrive in safety and begin the slow climb on civilization.- 2.
The elven forest community of Sharlarion survives the Sundering nearly complete. These fortunate elves increased their number and spread into the surrounding forest, hills, and lowlands. Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Aryvandaar (Present Day: High Forest).- 2. Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Shantel Othreier (Present Day: Green Fields).- 2.
Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Ilythiir (Present Day: Shaar & Forest of Amtar).- 2. Establishment of the first elvish settlements of Sy. Ilythiir's influence is not discovered for centuries. This begins the elven migrations into the Sea of Fallen Stars, which continue for seven millennia.- 1.
The elvish Vyshaan clan rises to power in Aryvandaar under Coronal Iv. The Seconf Epoch officially begins with the building of the undersea capital of Aryselmalyr, and ends with forty years of war between the sea elves and other undersea races. It is also during this Epoch that the first land- dwellers began exploration of the waters (wizards of Netheril), the initial migrations of shalarin into the Inner Sea, and the trapping of the sahuagin behind the Sharksbane Wall.- 1.
Miyeritar becomes the center of elven Art and High Magic on Faer. The two greatest events of the Crown Wars that still have impact on the Realms are the Dark Disaster and the Descent of the Drow. The Dark Disaster utterly destroyed the forest realm of Miyeritar, leaving the blasted plains that are now the High Moors. Perhaps due to the savagery of the Crown Wars or other factors long lost to time, the Dark Elves became corrupt during this era, broke away from their brethren, and after much warfare and cruelty they descended beneath the planet's surface to become the Deep Elves, the drow. After centuries of fruitless diplomacy, the impatient, grasping rulers of Aryvandaar attack Miyeritar and begins putting political pressure on Shantel Othreier to join them or suffer the same fate.- 1.
Miyeritar is militarily occupied and annexed by Aryvandaar, though a number of clans and strongholds resist and continue to fight. Many elves of Illefarn, despite its officially neutral stance, provide secret safehavens for Miyeritari refugees. Tethir, the first recorded elven dragonslayer, slays two ancient red wyrms. A portion of Keltormir's woods are named for him. Tethir, kin of Keltormir and the first recorded elven dragonslayer, single- handedly slays two ancient red wyrms of the Ridge and saves many elves. A portion of Keltormir's woods are named for him.
Tethir's stand earned the elves the respect of the dragons, who had previously dismissed them as ignorant, two- footed cattle. Over time, humanity slowly builds in the clearings created by the dragon fires. The Second Crown War flares up in answer to the aggressions of Aryvandaar. Ilythiir rises up and viciously strikes out at any who support the gold elves of the north. They fight a holding action, preventing the Ilythiiri from advancing north.- 1.
The Sable Wars: Thearnytaar and Eiell. More than half their forces are decimated by the corrupt magics of the dark elves.- 1. Fall of Eiell. They also were helped by traitor green elves, who thought their appeasement actions could help restore peace.
The start of the Crown Wars (and the Sable Wars and the Fall of Eiell. This ignites the first major conflicts with merfolk and sahuagin.- 1. End of the First Crown War: Miyeritar conquered by Aryvandaar.- 1. Thearnytaar falls to the savage and now- unrepentant dark elves, who use enslaved monsters and undead to occupy the thorn- and- bramble choked woods. Ilythiir now directly skirmishes with the major realm of Keltormir along its eastern and southern expanses. With another major migration into the Sea of Fallen Stars after the fall of Thearnytaar, the sea elves expand militarily beyond the Selmal Basin and establish the undersea kingdoms and regions of Coranthys, Tor Meraliir, Ullythan Reef, and Ryeniir.- 1.
Rise of the Aryselmalyr Empire in the Sea of Fallen Stars. Coryselmal, the grandest of the sea elf cities of Selmalyr (an elven kingdom of the Selmal Basin), becomes the capital of the Aryselmalyr Empire over all the sea elf kingdoms in the Inner Sea.
Aryvandaar wins the day, and occupies the northern half of Shantel Othreier.- 1. Shantel Othreier is conquered by the Vyshaantar Empire of Aryvandaar after the mysterious death of Coronal Ynloeth. Guerilla fighting and rebel mages arise in parts of Miyeritar and the newly conquered territories.- 1. The Dark Disaster: Miyeritar is engulfed in killing storms, which reduce this entire forest and realm into barren wastelands in three months.
While no proof could ever be found, many believe the High Mages of Aryvandaar inflicted the Dark Disaster on Miyeritar. Shock over the Dark Disaster established an uneasy four decades of peace, as nearly every elf of Faer. In the hundred years it takes the Vyshaan to bring this land under their hegemony, they slay two of its rulers, Ilitharath and his grandson Tarosspur. They soon closed ranks and fought incessantly for two centuries. Battles raged across the giant- infested mountains and wemic- claimed plains north of Keltormir.- 1. In opposition to the corrupt dark elves of Ilythiir and their continued destruction of the forested elven homelands by fire (an elven enemy of long- standing), over 1,0.
High Mages in neutral Illefarn and other free areas spend decades in fervent prayer for salvation by Corellon Larethian and the Seldarine gods.- 1. Through enslaved dragons and other powers, the dark elves of Ilythiir engulf all of Shantal Othreier in flames, destroying over 7. Descent of the Drow: Corellon's magic, as directed through his priests and High Mages, transforms the dark elves, whether the corrupt Ilythiiri or others, into the drow. Whether by magic or by the weaknesses that banish them from the sunlit lans, all drow retreat within two month's passing into the Underdark. Elves are summoned by the Seldarine to the site that becomes Elven Court one month after the Descent of the Drow, to settle differences and restore peace among the elves.- 9. Aryvandaar's covert persecution of High Mages and priests begins, as they attempt to destroy or control any who might somehow force their descent as they did the drow. While not destroyed utterly, Illefarn and its colony in the Llewyrrwood is annexed by Arvynandaar as its nobility of priests and High Mages died under the persecution of the increasingly- crazed Coronal Giilvas Vyshaan.
Many elves of both lands flee to the remnants of Shantel Othreier.- 9. Sea- elven garrison towers are built among the Sharksteeth Mountains under the Inner Sea, with the help of Vodos the Great Builder.- 9. Construction begins on the Sharksbane Wall (uniting the existing Tower Garrisons) by clergy of Deep Sashelas, Trishina, and Eadro.- 9.
Start of the First Ser. The burgeoning Inner Sea empire of sea elves allies with the merfolk against the sahaugin of eastern Ser. This war destroys the major sahaugin kingdom in . Wars and skirmishes continue across the centuries to slow or stop the continuing construction of the Sharksbane Wall.- 9. The Vyshantaar Empire's forces occupy all elven realms (save Keltormir) from the High Forest of Aryvandaar to the sweltering southern forests of Ilythiir. They begin the colonization and settlement of Evermeet. A large force of Llewyrr elves escapes the oppressive mainland and resettle in isolation and safety among the mountains of the Moonshae Islands.
Their new land becomes Synnoria, after the elfqueen who led the Llewyr to this island sanctuary. Car Alarm And Central Locking Installation Definition. The Elven Court, the Seldarine priesthoods, and the long- hidden High Mages restore pockets of resistance and freedom across the entire Vyshantaar Empire, fragmenting the armies and nobles to limit their coordination. Much of the High Forest is abandoned for an age, leaving the forest open so the gods might restore its peace. The Wandering Years of elven colonization begin. Many elves begin migrating back to Elven Court in its eastern forest. Illefarn and Keltormir are the sole remaining civilizations to emerge intact from the Crown Wars.
The end of the Crown Wars brings the last of the great elven migrations into the Inner Sea. Drow overwhelm the dwarves of Bhaerynden and take their fifth- city for their own.- 9. The Rise of Civilization/The Founding Time: This era signals the rise of all the humanoid civilizations, as the many dragons and giants were long overthrown and the elven wars no longer loomed over everyone as a threat.
The elven realms of Evereska and Evermeet grow by colonization along with other realms, from the human Unther or Coramshan to the dwarven realms of High Shanatar or Oghrann.- 8.