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Jfk Oliver Stone Torrent Francais Series

Jfk Oliver Stone Torrent Francais Series

Jfk Oliver Stone Torrent Francais Series Of Unfortunate

JFK est un film réalisé par Oliver Stone avec Kevin Costner, Tommy Lee Jones. Synopsis : Suite à l'assassinat du président John F. Kennedy, le procureur de la.

Jfk Oliver Stone Torrent Francais Series Cravings

The List Thus Far . T (1. 95. 3) – A mad doctor enslaves 5.

Dr. Seuss. Adaptation. Sorrow and his gang of gay fascist cowboys. Doggiewogiez! Poochiewoochiez! Thompson’s cult novel about two burnouts taking insane quantities of drugs in the City of Sin.

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Fellini Satyricon (1. Bizarre androgynous costuming and mythological leaps of logic gird a great director’s decadent extravaganza. Female Trouble (1. Juvenile delinquent Dawn Davenport (Divine) proves that “crime is beauty” on her way to the electric chair. Final Flesh (2. 00. Four separate porn- troupes- for- hire enact an absurdist prank script about the apocalypse.

The Forbidden Room (2. Guy Maddin’s collection of reimagined lost films, with tales curled inside each other like Russian nesting dolls. Forbidden Zone (1. Frenchie is lost in the 6th Dimension and her family and friends must save her from the king and queen in this surreal musical that often looks like a Fleischer Brothers cartoon. Funky Forest: The First Contact (2.

Selection of surreal, interwoven sketches from three Japanese directors is uneven, as you would expect, but contains some of the weirdest sequences you’re likely to come across. Glen or Glenda (1. Ed Wood’s pro- transvestite documentary, with Bela Lugosi as an omniscient one- man Greek chorus and a dream sequence featuring bondage. Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell (1. Survivors of an airline crash squabble among each other while psychedelic space vampires pick them off. Gothic (1. 98. 6) – Hallucinatory excess from Ken Russell, about the night Mary Shelley conceived “Frankenstein”Gozu (2.

Erotically charged, hallucinatory Takashi Miike horror/yakuza mashup. La Grande Bouffe (1. Four successful men lock themselves inside a chateau and eat themselves to death. Greaser’s Palace (1.

A zoot- suited Jesus visits a Western town to enact a series of absurd parables. The Greasy Strangler (2. Lard- loving Big Ronnie (who doubles as the Greasy Strangler) and his son live together and conduct scam walking tours, until a “disco cutie” comes between them. Gummo (1. 99. 7) – Indisputably weird but ceaselessly unpleasant portrait of hopeless white trash. H! The Globolinks !

Die Globolinks. Oscar” drives around Paris taking on “assignments” that require him to become a hit man, accordionist, and a fashion- model abducting leprechaun. The Holy Mountain (1. An extravagant, psychedelic tour of world mysticism has a guru lead a Christ- figure and companions on a quest to storm the Holy Mountain. The Horrors of Spider Island ? Nobody (2. 00. 9) – The last mortal man in the world remembers dozens of parallel reality variations of his life. Mulholland Drive (2. Radical identity shifts and surrealistic nightclub acts ignite this dreamlike noir fable about love, guilt and Hollywood.

My Winnipeg (2. 00. In Guy Maddin’s Winnipeg, sleepwalkers roam the streets at night, horses freeze in the river, and mother is everywhere.

Naked Lunch (1. 99. David Cronenberg’s adaptation of the unadaptable William S. Burroughs novel features film’s scariest typewriters. Natural Born Killers (1.

A pair of serial killers become celebrities as they slay their way across a hallucinogenic America. Night of the Hunter (1.

A homicidal Preacher with “LOVE” and “HATE” tattooed on his hands hunts children carrying treasure in this Southern Gothic Expressionist fable. Night Train to Terror (1. God and Satan watch badly edited horror films on a train while a New Wave band practices one compartment down. Ninja Champion (1. Rose seeks revenge against her diamond- smuggling rapist, while in another movie clumsily pasted on to that one, an Interpol ninja assassinates evil ninjas while they practice circus tricks.

The Ninth Configuration (1. A psychiatrist argues for the existence of God in an experimental military mental hospital, but is he as crazy as his patients? Nosferatu (1. 92. F. W. Murnau’s unauthorized Expressionist adaptation of “Dracula” is a melange of sex and disease. Nostalghia (1. 98. Andrei Tarkovsky’s slow, beautiful, dreamlike spiritual parable about a homesick Russian poet in Italy. Nothing but Trouble (1.

Dan Akroyd’s grotesque Hollywood misfire about a weird old “reeve” ruling from a junkyard in a backwoods New Jersey “shire”Nuit Noire ! Dick novel. Schizopolis (1. Fletcher Munson struggles to write a speech for a Scientology- like leader while his doppelg.

Turner. Taxidermia (2. A penis ejaculating fire is the take- home image from this surreal and twisted Hungarian generational epic; barf bags recommended. Tekkonkinkreet (2. Orphans White and Black scrape out an existence on the surreal streets of Treasure Town. The Telephone Book (1. A nymphomaniac falls in love with the world’s greatest obscene phone caller in this arty underground sexploitationer that climaxes with a surreally obscene animation.

Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1. A man inexplicably transforms into metal, set to an industrial soundtrack in grainy 1. Thundercrack! Lao (1. A shapeshifting “Chinaman fakir” brings his allegorical circus to a Western town. Pinocchio (1. 99.

A cybernetic male sex- slave is cast adrift in a weird world in this underground Japanese cyberpunk film. The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1. 97. 1) – Art- deco b- movie has fascinating production design and campy acting from star Vincent Price, but is it weird enough?

The Acid House (1. A trio of tawdry, disturbing fantasies penned by Irvine (“Trainspotting”) Welsh.

The Adventures of Mark Twain (1. Claymation selection of Twain stories, with a wraparound story about the author flying a homemade blimp to catch Haley’s comet. Aegri Somnia (2. 00. The sick dreams of a disturbed man. Alice in Wonderland (1. This “star- studded” (W.

C. Fields, Gary Cooper, Cary Grant) version of Lewis Carrol flopped on release—could it be because it was too weird for 1. Am. Ballard anthology. The Attic Expeditions (2. Mindbending psychological horror that loses its mind, mixing occultism, medical experimentation and general weirdness into a confusing B- movie blend. Bad Girls Go to Hell (1.

A housewife descends into a dreamlike sexual hell in this roughie with lots of random shots of feet and furniture. The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2. Nic Cage unloosed, iguanas, and an ambiguous ending give this crazy thriller some weird cred. La Belle Captive (1. A man seeks a mysterious woman who may be a ghost, a vampiress or a dream in this film that visually references the paintings of Rene Magritte. Blind Woman’s Curse (1. A feminist yakuza ghost story.

Blue Sunshine (1. People who took a particular brand of LSD in the Sixties find themselves transformed into bald killers ten years later. Borgman (2. 01. 3) – A criminal insinuates himself into a Dutch family’s home. The Bothersome Man (2.

A freethinker seeks escape from a bland paradise. Brain Damage (1. 98. The Aylmer attaches himself to Brian’s brainstem, feeding him an addictive drug in return for grisly murders. The Brain That Wouldn’t Die (1. A mad scientist searches for a hot new body for the recently decapitated fianc.

Seldom- seen abstract stop- motion animation from Francecollective: unconscious – Experimental anthology wherein six underground directors film each others’ dreams“The Comb” (1. Quay Brothers animation about a man trying to reach a sleeping woman in her dream. Come and See (1. 98. Unremittingly bleak Soviet WWII film with dreamlike passages.

The Company of Wolves (1. Impressionistic retelling of Little Red Riding Hood as the werewolf sex dream of an adolescent girl. The Congress (2. 01. An aging actress (Robin Wright, playing a version of herself) allows her image to be digitized for virtual reality use in the future in this partly animated mindbender.

Cube (1. 99. 7) – Seven strangers awake to find themselves imprisoned in a cubical maze filled with deadly traps. The Cult of the Damned . Frankenstein (1. 97. A cauliflower- faced Frankenstein’s monster squares off against Dracula with an afro in a very bad (but weird) movie. Dr. Caligari (1. 98. This pop- surrealist work by a hardcore porn director suffers from bad acting, but it is weird as hell; likely to make the list on a second pass. Duck Soup (1. 93.

Groucho’s lack of diplomacy leads Freedonia into war in the surrealest of the Marx Brothers features. Edward Scissorhands (1. A mad scientist fashions a creature with razor- sharp fingers, who then must adapt to suburbia. Entertainment (2. An anti- comic on a tour of the Southwest bombs, existentiallye.

Xisten. Z (1. 99. Bizarre scenarios inside a virtual reality game world. The Falling (2. 01. Students at an all- girls school experience a collective mass hysteria after one of their group unexpectedly passes away. Fando y Lis (1. 96. Alejandro Jodorowsky’s first film, from a Fernando Arrabal play, is about a man carrying his lame lover through the desert on a quest to find the magical city of Tar.

Father’s Day (2. 01. A serial killer who preys on fathers is just the starting point for this lunatic bad- taste comedy that literally winds up in Hell. Faust (1. 99. 4) – Veteran stop- motion surrealist Jan Svankmajer’s take on the Faust legend. Faust (2. 01. 1) – Aleksandr Sokurov’s hallucinatory version of the Faust story. Female Trouble (1. Sprawling, trashy John Waters/Divine epic black comedy from the “crime is beauty” school.

A Field in England (2. Soldiers eat psychedelic mushrooms and hunt for treasure during the English Civil War. Film (1. 96. 5) – An avant- garde collaboration between Samuel Beckett (writing his only screenplay) and Buster Keaton. Flooding With Love for the Kid (2. Zachary Oberzan’s one- man Rambo adaptation, made for less than $1. The Fountain (2. 00.

The search for the fountain of youth, and also the story of a modern- day scientist seeking a cure for cancer, and also the story of a tree- tending guru floating in a space bubble. Frank (2. 01. 4) – A mediocre songwriter joins a band led by a genius who refuses to remove his giant papier- m. Valentine’s Day disappearance of schoolgirls from a picnic goes unexplained. A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence (2.

Song of Myself. Won't you help support Day. Poems? 1. 81. 9- 1. I celebrate myself, and sing myself. And what I assume you shall assume. For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.

I do not know what it is any more than he. I do not laugh at your oaths nor jeer you; ). The President holding a cabinet council is surrounded by the great. On the piazza walk three matrons stately and friendly with twined arms. The crew of the fish- smack pack repeated layers of halibut in the hold.

The Missourian crosses the plains toting his wares and his cattle. As the fare- collector goes through the train he gives notice by the. Microsoft Virtual Cd Rom Control Panel Dvd Releases. The floor- men are laying the floor, the tinners are tinning the. In single file each shouldering his hod pass onward the laborers. Seasons pursuing each other the indescribable crowd is gather'd, it. Seventh- month, (what salutes of cannon and small arms!).

Seasons pursuing each other the plougher ploughs, the mower mows. Off on the lakes the pike- fisher watches and waits by the hole in. The stumps stand thick round the clearing, the squatter strikes deep.

Flatboatmen make fast towards dusk near the cotton- wood or pecan- trees. Coon- seekers go through the regions of the Red river or through. Tennessee, or through those of the Arkansas. Torches shine in the dark that hangs on the Chattahooche or Altamahaw.

Patriarchs sit at supper with sons and grandsons and great- grandsons. In walls of adobie, in canvas tents, rest hunters and trappers after. The city sleeps and the country sleeps. The living sleep for their time, the dead sleep for their time.

The old husband sleeps by his wife and the young husband sleeps by his wife. And these tend inward to me, and I tend outward to them. And such as it is to be of these more or less I am.

And of these one and all I weave the song of myself. I resign myself to you also- -I guess what you mean. I behold from the beach your crooked fingers. I believe you refuse to go back without feeling of me. We must have a turn together, I undress, hurry me out of sight of the land.

Cushion me soft, rock me in billowy drowse. Dash me with amorous wet, I can repay you. I will accept nothing which all cannot have their. I am possess'd! Iowa, Oregon, California? O welcome, ineffable grace of dying days!

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Jfk Oliver Stone Torrent Francais Series
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