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Install Web Server On Ubuntu

Install Web Server On Ubuntu

Ubuntu Linux Install - Phishing Frenzy - Manage Email Phishing Campaigns. Updated: 0. 3/1. 3/1.

Oracle Java 8 is now stable. Below you'll find instructions on how to install it in Ubuntu or Debian via a PPA repository. The PPA supports both 32bit and 64bit as. Sponsored Link Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file. How do I install and configure monit to restart services such as Nginx/Apache/OpenVPN server when failed on Debian or Ubuntu Linux? Monit is a free and open source.

The MATE community has documented how to install MATE on many distributions, please follow the install guidelines. If you’re a distro packager looking for release.

Install Web Server On Ubuntu

This guide was built for Ubuntu Server 1. LTS x. 64 bit edition. Install Packages. Ensure your repository list is fully updated. Install required packages for Ubuntu OS.

During the install assign and document the root My. SQL password when prompted. You will need to remember this root password to log into the db later on within this install guide. Clone Repo. Clone the github repository. Install RVM and Ruby.

SL https: //get. rvm. This is the ruby version that is defined within . If you receive an error that the OS is unable to find passenger- install- apache. RVM is not properly using your ruby version with the passenger gem you just installed above.

Once the Passenger install has completed, ensure you pay attention to the notes and the end. You will need to add 3 lines of text to your /etc/apache. With this said we are going to create the configuration file pf. Apache's Virtual Host to render this site when the appropriate FQDN is hit in the browser. Add the content below to pf. If you know that your FQDN is going to be something different than phishing- frenzy.

Server. Name line to update what makes sense for your environment. This is the english address that Apache will configure the Virtual Host to listen on for the PF admin interface. Be sure to point Document. Root to 'public'! If you do not Daemonize the process you may want to start a screen and run sidekiq inside that screen session. Sidekiq is required to send emails in the background properly.

Insert a line similar to that shown below. This is a critical piece that needs to be accurate to properly track user clicks. The Sire URL in most cases is the full url including the FQDN that you have configured within the pf. Default Credentials. Phishing Frenzy is configured with a default login of. Funt. 1me! If you have valid certificates issued by a registrar, you could configure those as well below.

Be sure to point Document. Root to 'public'! Checkout our guide under resources on how convert your application to rails' production mode.

This guide was for development mode and should not be considered production ready or placed on the public facing internet.

How to install Own. Cloud 1. 0 server on Ubuntu – Marksei. Own. Cloud is a Dropbox- like solution for self- hosted file sharing and syncing. Installing Own. Cloud on Ubuntu is trivial.

Whether you want to backup, have file- syncing or just have a Google Calendar alternative, this guide is for you. What is Own. Cloud? Is it like a “cloud”? If you stumbled here by chance and don’t know what Own. Cloud is, here is an article explaining its principal features and advantages/disadvantages. In this other article you can find Own. Cloud new features.

To tell you the truth, Own. Cloud is a Saa. S cloud, if you want to know more about cloud types you can read this article. In this article we will cover the installation of the server (not the client). Step 1: Add the repositories. Important. I take absolutely NO responsibility of what you do with your machine; use this tutorial as a guide and remember you can possibly cause data loss if you touch things carelessly.

The first step is to add the repositories to your Ubuntu installation. Although there are many packages available I suggest you to use the latest version of Ubuntu or an LTS version like Ubuntu 1. Xenial Xerus. You will need root access during this procedure. The following procedure will install apache as webserver. Update Server Not Available Error 12 more. Input the commands one by one to avoid errors! Ubuntu 1. 6. 0. 4Ubuntu 1.

Ubuntu 1. 7. 0. 4Future versions. Open a terminal and input the following commands. Ubuntu. 1. 9. 1. 0) in the following text and input the commands one by one. Ubuntu. You have three choices: SQLite: is a single- file database. It is suggested only for small installations since it will slow Own. Cloud down sensibly. Maria. DB/My. SQL: are popular open source databases especially amongst web developers.

It is the suggested choice. Postgre. SQL: a popular enterprise- class database. More complicated than My. SQL/Maria. DB. Now, this choice won’t really alter the functionality of Own.

Cloud (except if you use SQLite), so pick whatever you know best. If you’re unsure pick Maria. DB/My. SQL. SQLite. My. SQL/Maria. DBPostgre. SQLNo additional steps are required if you choose SQLite. Install the software.

Maria. DB won’t ask to set a root password (none by default), this is insecure, change it! In order to change it run the mysql. Head to http: //YOUR. Then click on “Storage & Database” to select the database you chose during step 2.

Fill everything and if you’ve followed all the steps correctly you should be seeing the Files app: Own. Cloud 1. 0 Files App.

The following two tabs change content below. The IT guy with a little boredom look in his eyes, fond of computers since forever he now works as a freelancer in the IT and shares his experiences through this blog.

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