How To Download Psp Games Cso Files Download

How To Download Psp Games Cso Files Download

Install PSP ISO and CSO Game Files On Your TN- V PS Vita. In past entries we showed you everything you needed to know before hacking your PS Vita and how to actually hack your Vita in very clear steps. This time, let’s dig into how to go about transferring ISO and CSO backup files (these are the uncompressed and compressed formats of PSP games, respectively) to play PSP games on your hacked Vita.

How To Download Psp Games Cso Files DownloadHow To Download Psp Games Cso Files Download

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Ready? Let’s get going. On Your Computer. Step 1: Download ISO or CSO backup files of the PSP games you want from the web. These are the games you’ll want to copy to your PS Vita that runs TN- V.

Ads by Google. Important Note: To use the PSP emulator on your PS Vita you need game backups in the form of ISO or CSO files (which you can search for in Google). Be warned though, these and any other emulators out there exist for game owners to be able to play backups of games they own and not to foster piracy, which is illegal. Step 2: With the file downloaded, now rename it with a name that is at most eight (8) characters long, in all caps. In a similar fashion, also rewrite the file’s extension in all caps.

This is a very important step, so make sure you enable your computer to show file extensions, otherwise you won’t be able to change them to all caps and the game files won’t be read by your PS Vita. Step 3: Now, on your computer, head to where the folder with the save data for your exploit game is located and open it. This is the same folder that you used originally to hack your PS Vita (the one where the 6. PBP file is). Once you open it, copy your renamed ISO or CSO file there. Step 4: Now on your computer open the q.

CMA application and prepare to transfer the save data file to your Vita (Read the first linked article above for instructions on how to use q. CMA and where to download it). Cool Tip: ISO/CSO files tend to be quite large, so it would be preferable for you to do the transfer via a USB cable instead of relying on Wi- Fi.

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If you choose to do so, plug your Vita to your computer via its USB cable before the next step. On Your PS Vita. Step 5: On your PS Vita open the Content Manager and on the next screen, under Copy Content, select PC > PS Vita System. Next, choose Applications, and then under Saved Data select PSP/Other. Next, you will see the save file for your exploit game. You will notice that it is about the same size of the ISO/CSO file you want to copy. Just select it and click on the Copy button to copy the file to your PS Vita. If your Vita gives you the option to overwrite the file, allow it to do so.

Step 6: Now start the TN- V exploit (the PSP emulator) on your PS Vita and you will be able to see the game you copied over there. However, if you run the game from here, you’ll be running it from the save file. The problem is that if you delete a game from that Save data folder on your computer (to save space or for any other reason), next time you transfer the save file, that game will be deleted from your PS Vita. Thankfully, the clever developer behind TN- V has built a way to install the game natively on your PS Vita memory card. Step 7: To do so, just scroll to the game on the XMB, press the triangle button and from the available options select Install.

Once installed, your Vita will prompt you to delete the game file – go ahead and do so. Step 8: You will now notice that the game is no longer on the XMB. Don’t worry. To make it show up again and for good, press the Select button on your PS Vita to display the VSH Menu. There, scroll down and select Restart VSH to restart the VSH menu.

This will restart the PSP emulator and refresh all of its files. Microsoft Office Word 2010 Cracked Ribs. You will now see your game displayed and it will already be installed directly on your Vita memory card. Step 9: Once that is done, feel free to delete the ISO or CSO file from your SAVE data folder on your computer.

Happy gaming! And stay tuned for more tutorials on how to make the most out of your hacked PS Vita.

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